Ah, now here's a thought to warm the heart — have you ever fancied a quiet afternoon by the water, rod in hand, watching the ripples dance as you wait for a nibble? There's naught so peaceful as fishing in the gentle streams and ponds of the Shire, with the sun on your back and a fine breeze carrying the scent of sweet meadow flowers.
There's no rush, no fuss — it's you, a sturdy pole, and a bit of patience (perhaps a packed lunch, too, for good measure). Whether you're after a lake trout for the pan or the pleasure of the pastime, fishing is a grand way to while away the hours. Why not give it a go? There's always room for another angler on the banks of the Brandywine!
If you've ever fancied a bit of fishing but never had the chance to try, you'd best have a word with Estmar Bolger, the Hobby Master of Michel Delving. You'll find him tucked away inside the Bird and Baby Inn, no doubt enjoying a pint while pondering the finer points of angling. A helpful sort, Estmar is always keen to set new adventurers on the path to fishing, and he'll even hand you a basic fishing pole free of charge to get you started!
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